Getting Started
- Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Campaign Rules
- Comprehensive List of FPPC Forms
- All FPPC Manuals
- FPPC Training and Outreach
- The Political Reform Act
Filing Schedules
- FPPC Filing Schedules:
- If you are unsure which filing schedule applies to your election, you can ask the FPPC for advice.
Where to File
How to File
If the FPPC instructions direct you to file your documents with the Secretary of State with original ink signature(s) or verified digital signature(s) you may:
- Mail your statement with original ink signature(s) to Political Reform Division, Secretary of State, 1500 11th Street, Room 495, Sacramento, CA 95814.
- Drop off your statement with original ink signature in the box labeled “Political Reform Division” located in the first-floor rotunda lobby at 1500 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
- Email a digitally signed statement following the detailed guidelines on our website:
If FPPC Guidance directs you to file your statements electronically: