Records Management Courses

Records Management classes are offered to California State and Local Government employees only.

Course Code Course Name and Registration Link Units (Hours) Location
RMA101 Introduction to Records Management 2 CalLearns
RMA102 State Records Center Introduction 1 Zoom (register via Eventbrite)
RMA103 Conducting an Inventory of Records 2 CalLearns
RMA104 Developing a Records Retention Schedule 2 CalLearns
RMA105 Essential Records 2 CalLearns
RMA106 Electronic Records and Digitization Projects 2 CalLearns
RMA107 Transferring Records to the California State Archives 1 CalLearns
RMA201 Records Management Coordinator Orientation 2 CalLearns
Video Basic Records Management for Government Employee N/A YouTube
Virtual Office Hours (drop in)

Join drop-in Office Hours, the first Wednesday of every month, 1:30-2:30pm


Join drop-in Office Hours, the first Thursday of every month, 10-11am


*Pro-tip: Add a reoccuring meeting to your calendar with the associated link to join the meeting.

N/A Microsoft Teams

State Agency Tour of the Archives (Offered Quarterly)

Contact to sign up for one of our quarterly tours or to request a tour for your agency records management program if you'd like to bring a group. 

Hosted by the State Records Appraisal Program (SRAP) Archivists and CalRIM Analysts, tours are also a great opportunity to discuss and ask questions about transferring any current agency records or artifacts that have enduring historical value and are past retention.