A brief, descriptive caption should accompany every photograph on the website, unless the photograph is a generic image used for presentation rather than for information.
Examples: [A generic photo of California poppies used to decorate a navigation bar need not be captioned.]
Secretary of State visits a mobile voting unit, part of Orange County’s MyBallot election education program for students, with Orange County Registrar of Voters Neal Kelley and Anaheim City Clerk Linda Andal. MyBallot details are at www.ocvote.com/myballot/. (October 2008) -
A brief, descriptive caption should accompany every graphic and image on the website if the items are not already titled or functions are not obvious.
Examples: [A “button” with the words Register to Vote need not be captioned.]
[A pie graph showing the breakdown in voter registration by political party for the November 2010 General Election should be captioned if there is no title embedded in the graph.] Voter registration by political party, November 2010.