Surety Bonds are filed with the Secretary of State for the following 15 professions only:
- Auctioneer/Auction Company
- Credit Service Organization
- Dance Studio
- Discount Buying Organization
- Employment Agency
- Employment Counseling Services
- Foreclosure Consultant
- Guaranteed Traffic Arrest Bail Bond
- Health Studio
- Immigration Consultant
- Invention Developer
- Job Listing Service
- Nurses Registry
- Seller of Travel Business Discount Programs
- Seller of Travel Discount Programs
To obtain a copy of a Surety Bond on file for an individual practicing one of these professions, submit a Special Filings Order Form (PDF).
Note: The Secretary of State does not have bond information for any other professions. If you are seeking a copy of a bond for a California commissioned Notary Public, please contact the county clerk’s office where the notary public is commissioned.