Californians are independent and free-thinkers.
Independents treasure our personal freedom and Constitutional liberties.
The new American Independent Party connects positive, visionary and independent candidates with California voters. We all deserve to find inspiration at the ballot box.
We believe in electing leaders who can help foster a better tomorrow.
This requires breaking the old political mold left over from past generations.
Voting independently rewards creativity and fresh ideas instead of politics-as-usual. This means evaluating ideas and electing independent candidates. Our votes should never be taken for granted.
Voters crave variety. The AIP rejects a limited world with only two stale flavors to choose from on Election Day. The American Independent Party trusts you to think for yourself, and then vote your conscience.
Real candidates discuss important issues with the People. They have honesty and integrity. Real candidates work hard to unite us. Real candidates need to earn your respect, not just assume they have your vote.
It’s time for California to declare independence from the antiquated two-party system. Register to vote and join the American Independent Party of California movement today!
PS -- Check out the new AIP website at:
Victor Marani, State Chairman
P.O. Box 1479
Freedom, CA 95019
(831) 684-6167
California Democrats are committed to rebuilding a State that provides every person with fair access to improve their lives through good paying jobs, affordable housing, quality education, universal and exceptional healthcare, racial justice and equitable protection against the impacts of climate change.
Our mission is to fight for our most vulnerable communities, protect working families and ensure that we live up to the promises of the California dream.
Although we know that the road to recovering from the pandemic has not been easy, California Democrats are dedicated to making life better for ALL.
California Democrats are committed to continue fighting for immediate relief for those who need it most, delivering ongoing assistance to small businesses, tackling the homelessness crisis, providing relief to low-income renters and landlords, and transforming our public education system.
We believe in continuing to elevate and confront the issues of systemic racism and gender discrimination, support legal protections for Dreamers and fight for immigration reform that honors our history as a nation of immigrants.
Rusty Hicks, Chair
California Democratic Party
1830 9th St.
Sacramento, CA 95811
(916) 442-5707
Twitter: @CA_Dem
It’s time to act! California and the world are in crisis.
Join the Green Party in building a socially and racially just, ecologically sustainable, democratic, peaceful EcoSocialist society that exists in harmony with nature.
Greens are the ONLY progressive national grassroots political party rejecting corporate funding. Over 350 California Greens have served in office.
Registering Green and voting Green means:
- Living wages, unions, workers’ rights
- Universal healthcare, free higher education, affordable housing, food security
- Tax the super-rich, close corporate loopholes
- A Just Transition to a clean energy economy
- Phase out fossil fuels
- Accelerate local, publicly-owned, renewable energy, electric-powered public transportation
- Protect forests and watersheds
- Regenerative agriculture
- End all oppression based on race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, income
- Protect immigrants, sanctuary and citizenship pathways
- Indigenous rights and Black-Lives-Matter
- Full abortion rights
- Police accountability
- End prison industries, over-incarceration, death penalty
- Gun control/safety
- Proportional representation, ranked choice voting
- Publicly-financed elections, eliminate corporate bribes
Greens’ vision won cannabis legalization, closed nuclear power plants, enabled public banking.
It's time for change: register, vote, volunteer, and run Green!
Green Party of California
2221 21st St.
San Francisco, CA 95818
(916) 448-3437
Facebook: @cagreens
Twitter: @GPCA
Libertarians stand for something: Respect and Freedom.
Respect for each individual’s life and liberty, without government coercion or force. We strive to reduce the use of force, thus increasing happiness, harmony, and prosperity for all.
We believe that the most peaceful, prosperous, socially fair, and tolerant society is one that solves its problems without government force. We believe that social woes like inaccessible healthcare, inadequate social justice, inadequate housing, economic instability, and racial disparity are caused and perpetuated by officials who would rather increase their power instead of solving problems.
We believe in freedom. For 50 years, the Libertarian Party has been at the forefront of advocating once radical issues like marijuana legalization, marriage equity, school choice, gun rights, transportation competition, and ending mandatory minimum sentences and asset forfeiture laws. We oppose foreign wars and want to bring our troops home from overseas.
We want to stop giving money and power to the same people who have caused the problems we face today.
It is time for a big change. If you are tired of throwing away your vote, send a message—Vote Libertarian!
Adrian F Malagon, Chair
The Libertarian Party of California
428 J St., Suite 400
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 446-1776
The Peace and Freedom Party is a working class party in a country run by and for the wealthy and their corporations. We should not have to sacrifice our health, our livelihoods, and our planet for billionaires’ profits. Tax the rich, whose wealth is created by workers, to pay for people’s needs.
Our Goals:
- Social justice & equality: Free universal health care for all. *Free education for everyone, preschool through university. *Full immigrant rights; no deportations. *End homelessness, housing for all. *Jobs or Income; labor rights for all. *End racism, LGBTQ and women’s oppression, and all discrimination. *Comprehensive services for disabled people.
- Environment: *Reverse Climate change. *Restore and protect the environment.
- Justice reform: *Abolish the death penalty. *Stop police abuse and prison torture.
- Peace: *No U.S. wars, sanctions, or coups. *No foreign bases.
- Democracy: *Repeal California’s “top two” election law. *Implement proportional representation.
While capitalism puts the wealthy first, we will continue to suffer war, police brutality, low wages, unsafe workplaces, and pollution. We advocate socialism: the ownership and democratic control of the economy by the people. By taking control of our industries and natural resources, we can make progress for the common good.
Register Peace and Freedom Party!
Peace and Freedom Party
P.O. Box 22173
Oakland, CA 95822
(916) 698-8131
The California Republican Party is working to make California better – a place where you can live safely, raise your family, get an education, find a job or start your own business.
For too long, one party has made all the decisions in Sacramento. It has only made things worse. Homelessness and poverty are increasing. Taxes are too high. Houses cost too much, and crime rates are skyrocketing. Instead of helping, government has made things worse. Instead of fixing the problems, the party currently controlling Sacramento wants to raise your taxes even higher.
Republicans believe you deserve a break, and we’re fighting for you. You deserve a job with a paycheck that covers your housing costs, car payment, living expenses, and health insurance, with money left over for your future.
Republicans are fighting to rebuild California’s economy, for better public schools, and for a state that is affordable for everyone. Instead of political games, we’re committed to working with people from all walks of life to make a successful future for our children and grandchildren.
Everyone is welcome in the California Republican Party. Your diversity is our strength. Please join us, and let’s make California better. Visit to learn more.
California Republican Party
1001 K. Street, 4th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Tel: (916) 448-9496
Twitter: @CAGOP
Instagram: @ca_gop