The California Motor Voter program is making registering to vote at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) more convenient. Eligible applicants completing a driver license, identification (ID) card or change of address transaction online, by mail or in person at the DMV will be automatically registered to vote by the California Secretary of State, unless they choose to opt out of automatic voter registration.
Since 1993, the National Voter Registration Act, often known as the Motor Voter law, has helped millions of people register to vote or update their voter information during a driver license or ID card transaction at the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
The California Motor Voter program applies to Californians who are 18 or older and meet the following criteria:
- A United States citizen and a resident of California.
- Not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony (for more information on the rights of people who have been incarcerated, please see the Secretary of State's Voting Rights: Persons with a Criminal History), and
- Not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court (for more information, please see Voting Rights: Persons Subject to Conservatorship).
Voter pre-registration is available for Californians who are 16 or 17 years old. They will automatically be registered to vote when they turn 18. Before visiting a DMV field office, we recommend making an appointment. You can also use DMV online services to renew your driver license or ID card or change your address.
If you indicate that you are eligible to vote, once you complete your DMV transaction online, by mail, or in person, your voter information is transmitted securely and electronically to the California Secretary of State. Once your eligibility to vote is determined, you will be registered to vote.
Individuals with AB 60 driver's licenses are not eligible to participate in the California Motor Voter program and are not eligible to vote.
Print Motor Voter General Information
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Motor Voter Task Force
Additional Information
Elections Code section 2276 requires the SOS, in consultation with the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Motor Voter Task Force to annually review and report on the effectiveness of the California New Motor Voter Program (Elections Code Sections 2260-2277).
- California New Motor Voter Annual Report
Elections Code sections 2265 and 2274 require the SOS to post the Interagency Agreement between the DMV and SOS as well as the monthly report provided by the DMV to the SOS.
- Interagency Agreement (PDF) – Effective 07/01/2023 to 06/30/2027
- Monthly Report – Statistic and incident report the DMV provides to the SOS each month
- 2025 (PDF) (ongoing)
- Prior Years (PDF)
If you are eligible to vote and would like to register to vote online now click the following button.