Initiatives and referenda will appear on this webpage when the Secretary of State has begun receiving raw counts of signatures from county elections officials or the circulation deadline has passed. County elections officials have eight business days from the date a petition is filed with their office to submit a raw count of signatures to the Secretary of State.  If the total raw count of signatures statewide equals 100% or more of the total number of signatures needed to qualify the initiative or referendum measure, the Secretary of State will notify the county elections officials to conduct a random sample verification of the signatures. If the total raw count of signatures does not reach 100% of the total number of signatures needed to qualify the initiative or referendum measure, the Secretary of State will notify the proponents and county elections officials that it has failed, and no further action will be taken.

1970. (23-0028)

Summary Date: 12/21/23 | Raw Count Deadline: 07/01/24 | Signatures Required: 874,641
Proponent(s): James J. Cowie

Amends California Constitution to require the state and its school districts to “provide all public school students with high-quality public schools,” the requirements of which will depend on how the measure is implemented by the Legislature, state agencies, and public schools (including charter schools), and interpreted by court decisions. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local governments: No direct fiscal effects on the state or public schools because the measure does not require any change to current policies or programs. Depending on how the measure is legally interpreted by the courts and implemented by the state and public schools, there could be fiscal effects that are unknown and highly uncertain. (23-0028)