The California Secretary of State periodically provides written guidance and information to the state's county elections officials to help ensure a smooth electoral process.

The written advisories -- known as CCROVs since they are directed to County Clerks & Registrars of Voters -- are posted here shortly after they are provided to county elections officials. Electronic copies of all CCROVs dating back to January 1, 2013, are posted here.

To obtain a copy of a CCROV issued in 2012 or earlier -- or if you have any questions or comments -- please email the Elections Division staff using our online form or call (916) 657-2166.

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Date CCROV Number Title
7/30/2021 21109 Voting Modernization Board: 08/11/21 Meeting Agenda (PDF)
7/28/2021 21108 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: UOCAVA Ballot Transmission Deadline Reminder and Survey (PDF)
7/23/2021 21107 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Early Voting, Ballot Drop-off Location, and Ballot Return/Counting Location Survey (PDF)
7/23/2021 21106 Language Accessibility Advisory Committee: August 4, 2021, Meeting (PDF)
7/22/2021 21105 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: VoteCal Election Reporting Schedule (PDF)
7/21/2021 21104 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Certified List of Candidates and Rotation List (PDF)
7/21/2021 21103 Voting Systems: OVSTA Monthly Update –July 2021 (PDF)
7/20/2021 21102 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: School Availability as Polling Places (PDF)
7/20/2021 21101 VoteCal: Ballot Processing and Ballot Tracking Guidance Documents (PDF)
7/19/2021 21100 Initiative: #1885 Related to Plastic Waste – Eligibility for Ballot (PDF)
7/19/2021 21099 Emergency Readopt Regulations: Statewide Voter Registration System and Conditional Voter Registration (PDF)
7/19/2021 21098 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Randomized Alphabet Drawing (PDF)
7/16/2021 21097 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: REVISED Election Administration Guidance (PDF)
7/15/2021 21096 Current VCA Counties: Election Outreach and Education Assistance for California Gubernatorial Recall Election (PDF)
7/14/2021 21095 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Survey of Assistance for Poll Workers and Polling Locations (PDF)
7/13/2021 21094 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: REVISED Election Administration Guidance (PDF)
7/13/2021 21093 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Ballot Tint and Watermark Assignment (PDF)
7/12/2021 21092 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Voter Information Guide (VIG) Mailing (PDF)
7/9/2021 21091 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: REVISED Election Administration Guidance (PDF)
7/9/2021 21090 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Department of Finance’s Estimated Costs of the Recall in the State and County Voter Information Guides (PDF)
7/9/2021 21089 Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee: July 21, 2021, Meeting (PDF)
7/9/2021 21088 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Waiver Request Form (PDF)
7/7/2021 21087 Regulations: Risk Limiting Audits (Emergency Readopt) (PDF)
7/6/2021 21086 Gubernatorial Recall Election: Reporting Instructions for the July 16, 2021, 60-Day Report of Registration (PDF)
7/6/2021 21085 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: State Voter Information Guide (VIG) Order Forms (PDF)
7/6/2021 21084 Voter Registration: Using Provisional Ballot Envelope as an Affidavit of Registration (PDF)
7/2/2021 21083 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Election Administration Guidance (PDF)
7/2/2021 21082 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Proponent’s Statement of Reasons for the Recall and the Governor’s Answer in the State and County Voter Information Guides (PDF)
7/2/2021 21081 Initiative: 1898, Related to Child Custody (PDF)
7/2/2021 21080 Translations: Telephone Based Interpreter Service (PDF)
7/2/2021 21079 California Gubernatorial Recall Election: Gubernatorial Replacement Candidate Statement Package (PDF)
7/1/2021 21078 Voter Registration: Postage Reimbursement and Replenishment Claims (FY 2020/2021 – 4th Quarter) (PDF)