To find CCROVs for 2020, please visit

The California Secretary of State periodically provides written guidance and information to the state's county elections officials to help ensure a smooth electoral process.

The written advisories -- known as CCROVs since they are directed to County Clerks & Registrars of Voters -- are posted here shortly after they are provided to county elections officials. Electronic copies of all CCROVs dating back to January 1, 2013, are posted here.

To obtain a copy of a CCROV issued in 2012 or earlier -- or if you have any questions or comments -- please email the Elections Division staff using our online form or call (916) 657-2166.

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DateCCROV NumberTitle
01/31/2020 20036 Presidential Primary: Vote-By-Mail Ballot Procedures (PDF)
01/29/2020 20035 Recall: Fifth Report for Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom, Filed by Erin Cruz (PDF)
01/29/2020 20034 Initiative: 1888, Related to Fuel-Powered Vehicles (PDF)
01/29/2020 20033 Presidential Primary: Reporting Instructions for the February 18, 2020, 15-Day Report of Registration (PDF)
01/24/2020 20032 NVRA: California NVRA Manual (PDF)
01/24/2020 20031 Language Accessibility Advisory Committee: February 5, 2020, Meeting (PDF)
01/23/2020 20030 April General Law City Elections: Randomized Alphabet Drawing (PDF)
01/23/2020 20029 Presidential Primary: March 3, 2020, Presidential Primary Election, Election Night Vote Reporting Survey (PDF)
01/22/2020 20028 Initiative: 1887, Related to Dialysis (PDF)
01/22/2020 20027 Initiative: 1886, Related to Gambling (PDF)
01/17/2020 20026 Voting Modernization Board: 01/29/20 Meeting Agenda (PDF)
01/17/2020 20025 Publication: 2020 Poll Worker Training Standards (PDF)
01/17/2020 20024 Presidential Primary: Natural Disaster/Emergency Preparation (PDF)
01/17/2020 20023 Presidential Primary: Electioneering (PDF)
01/17/2020 20022 Polling Places: Disability Sensitivity (PDF)
01/17/2020 20021 Recall: Fourth Report for Recall of Governor Gavin Newsom, Filed by James Veltmeyer (PDF)
01/16/2020 20020 Presidential Primary: Election Observations Rights and Responsibilities (PDF)
01/16/2020 20019 Presidential Primary: Surrendering Vote-by-Mail Ballots (PDF)
01/16/2020 20018 Political Body: Constitution Party of California (PDF)
01/15/2020 20017 Presidential Primary Election: UOCAVA/MOVE Act Survey (PDF)
01/14/2020 20016 Presidential Primary: Cameras at Polling Places (PDF)
01/14/2020 20015 Presidential Primary: Ballots and Provisional Ballot Envelope Supplies (PDF)
01/10/2020 20014 Regulations: Modifications to Risk Limiting Audits Regulation – 15 Day Notice (PDF)
01/10/2020 20013 Presidential Primary: Conditional Voter Registration Process Survey (PDF)
01/09/2020 20012 Presidential Primary: Early Voting, Ballot Drop-off Location, and Ballot Return/Counting Location Survey (PDF)
01/09/2020 20011 Initiative: 1885, Related to Plastic Waste (PDF)
01/09/2020 20010 Initiative: 1884, Related to Psilocybin (PDF)
01/08/2020 20009 VoteCal: Ballot Processing Guidance Document (PDF)
01/08/2020 20008 Voting Systems: OVSTA Monthly Update – January 2020 (PDF)
01/08/2020 20007 Voting Systems: Approval of Dominion Voting Systems, lnc.'s lmageCast Remote 5.10 Remote Accessible Vote by Mail System (PDF)
01/06/2020 20006 Presidential Primary: UOCAVA/MOVE Act Survey and Schedule (PDF)
01/03/2020 20005 Voting Accessibility Advisory Committee: January 15, 2020 Meeting (PDF)
01/03/2020 20004 Initiative: 1883, Related to App-based Drivers (PDF)
01/02/2020 20003 Voter Registration: Postage Reimbursement and Replenishment Claims (FY 2019/2020 – 2nd Quarter) (PDF)
01/02/2020 20002 Presidential Primary: Vote-by-Mail Ballots: Mismatched Signatures and Unsigned Ballots (PDF)
01/02/2020 20001 Presidential Primary: Approved Alternative Procedures (PDF)