How do I view a lobbying financial report that has been filed online or electronically by a lobbyist, lobbying firm, or lobbyist employer?
- Go to the "Lobbying Activity" page. (You may also reach the "Lobbying Activity" page from the Secretary of State's Home Page - by clicking on "Lobbying Activity & Finance" under "Political Reform.")
- Click on the category in which you are interested. For example, assume you are interested in a particular lobbyist. Click on the "Individual Lobbyists" link. This will bring up the "Individual Lobbyists" page.
- On this page, you can choose from an alphabetical list of individual lobbyists. Scroll down the page to find the lobbyist in which you're interested. Click on that name. The request may take a few seconds to process. Information about that lobbyist will be displayed.
- Under "View," select "Financial Activity/Filing History." The request may take a few seconds to process.
- Select the "Legislative Session" in which you are interested.
- A list of online/electronic filings for that lobbyist and session will be displayed.
- Click on the link of the filing in which you are interested. An electronic image of the filing will be displayed and may be printed.