Online Submissions File Online for faster response |
California LLCs |
Fees |
1. | Formation - Articles of Organization |
2. | Statement of Information: Due within 90 days of initial registration and every two years thereafter.
Attachment to Statement of Information: Use if the limited liability company has more than one manager or member. |
Online Only |
3. | Certificate of Amendment |
4. | Certificate of Amendment - Name Change Only |
5. | Restated Articles of Organization |
6. | Certificate of Correction |
7. | Termination Certificate of Dissolution Certificate of Cancellation Short Form Cancellation Certificate |
8. | Resignation of Agent for Service of Process |
9. | Certificate of Continuation |
10. | Merger Mergers between LLCs only Mergers between LLCs and other Business Entities |
11. | Conversions |
Conversion Limited liability company to a California professional corporation. |
12. | Substituted Service of Process |
13. | Name Reservations Name reservations information. |
14. | Order Certified Copies, Plain Copies and Certificates of Status for LLCs |
Certified copies - $5.00 per document, Certificate of Status - $5.00 per entity |
15. | Special Handling & Preclearance and Expedited Filing Services Information about service options and associated fees. |