Voter Records

Voter records are exempt from public disclosure pursuant to Government Code section 7924.000 and Elections Code section 2194. The Secretary of State is not authorized to provide these records pursuant to a Public Records Act request.

National Voter Registration Act Reports / California's Election Administration and Voting Survey

The Secretary of State is responsible for responding to Election Assistance Commission (EAC) surveys by gathering, from the 58 counties, voter registration data such as the number of voter registration applications received and processed and where those applications came from (e.g., Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) offices, public assistance agencies, agencies providing services to people with disabilities, and armed forces agencies). If you are looking for California’s Election Administration and Voting Survey (EAVS) reports to the EAC, they can be found on our NVRA Reports web page.

Office of Voting Systems Technology Assessment (OVSTA) Records

The Office of Voting Systems Technology Assessment (OVSTA) is responsible for the testing and certification of voting technology used in the State of California, including voting systems, electronic poll books, remote accessible vote by mail systems, ballot printers and ballot on demand systems. The following records and documentation are available online regarding voting technology: