February 9, 2022
SOS Press Office
(916) 653-6575
Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. Releases the Latest Report of Registration
SACRAMENTO, CA –Today, Secretary of State Dr. Shirley N. Weber, Ph.D. released the latest Report of Registration which reflects data as of January 4, 2022.
Ahead of the June 7, 2022, Statewide Primary Election, 22,005,243 Californians are registered to vote, which is 81.57 percent of eligible Californians. This is an increase in voter registration of 5.88 percent compared to the 75.69 percent of eligible voters registered by the last 154-Day Report of Registration before the last gubernatorial primary election in 2018. An 88-Day Supplemental Report of Registration which includes voter registration data by newly-drawn districts will be released in early April. Reports will also be issued reflecting registration data as of 60 and 15 days in advance of the primary election.
“As the work continues to assign voters to their new districts, this Report of Registration does not include registration data for the newly drawn congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, Board of Equalization or for County Supervisorial Districts,” Secretary Weber said. “That information will be included in the Supplemental Report of Registration released in early April.”
As always, we encourage voters to confirm that their voter registration is up-to-date, including any changes to address or political party affiliation, at registertovote.ca.gov ahead of the upcoming June 7th Primary Election and any local and special vacancy elections.
The Report of Registration is a compilation of voter registration numbers reported by California’s 58 county elections offices.
Click here to view the complete January 4, 2022, 154-Day Report of Registration that includes:
- Voter registration by political party, county, and city.
- Statewide voter registration by age group and by county.
- Historical comparisons to previous reports in gubernatorial primary elections.
- Not included is registration data for newly drawn congressional districts, state senate districts, state assembly districts, state board of equalization districts and county supervisorial districts. This data be included in a separate Supplemental Report of Registration as of 88 days before the June Primary Election which will be released in early April 2022.