July 17, 2021
SOS Press Office
(916) 653-6575
Secretary of State Shirley Weber Releases Statewide Voter Information Guide for Public Review
SACRAMENTO, CA – Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber today made the September 14, 2021 California Gubernatorial Recall Election Official Voter Information Guide available for public review. The guide, which will be mailed to every voting household in California, includes information about the recall and gubernatorial replacement candidates on the statewide ballot, as well as other helpful election information. California’s Official Voter Information Guide is available in 10 languages – English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.
The guide will be available for public examination from July 17 through August 6 at: https://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/upcoming-elections/2021-ca-gov-recall/public-display and at the Secretary of State’s office in Sacramento. During this public display period, anyone may challenge any portion of the Official Voter Information Guide in Sacramento Superior Court.
Following the conclusion of the public examination period, the Secretary of State’s office will begin printing and mailing the statewide Voter Information Guide to all households that have at least one registered voter. Audio versions and large print versions will be available as well. Additional hard copies of guides in each of the 10 languages can be requested from the Secretary of State’s Elections Division by calling (800) 345-VOTE (8683) or by email at vigfeedback@sos.ca.gov.
Registered California voters can opt-out of receiving a paper Voter Information Guide by mail and instead receive a link to the electronic version via email. Voters who are registering for the first time or updating their voter registration information can opt-out while registering online at: https://registertovote.ca.gov/. Voters who are already registered can opt-out at: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov/. Every registered voter in a household must opt-out of receiving the paper guide to ensure it is not mailed to their address.