May 23, 2014
Contact: Shannan Velayas
(916) 653-6575
Help Wanted in Sacramento and
El Dorado Counties on Election Day
SACRAMENTO - Sacramento and El Dorado county elections officials are still seeking poll workers for the June 3 primary election, Secretary of State Debra Bowen reported today.
Each statewide election requires a one-day workforce of 100,000 poll workers in more than 24,000 polling places across California. The average poll worker stipend is about $100 for the day’s work, though rates vary among counties.
"Poll workers are crucial to the success of an election. They help to safeguard ballots, remind voters about their rights, ensure voters with disabilities can exercise their right to vote, and more," said Secretary Bowen, the state's chief elections officer.
"In Sacramento County we especially need those with bilingual skills. You can help your community and earn a little extra money for summer," said Jill LaVine, Sacramento County Registrar of Voters. She is recruiting poll workers who are fluent in English and any of the following languages: Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog or Vietnamese.
El Dorado County Recorder-Clerk/Registrar of Voters Bill Schultz echoed the high demand for bilingual poll workers. He is looking for more English speakers who are also fluent in Spanish or Tagalog.
A Californian can serve as a poll worker if he or she is a registered voter or a legal permanent resident of California, or a high-school student who is at least 16 years old and has a grade-point average of 2.5 or higher.
Interested people may call the Sacramento County elections office at (916) 875-6451 or the El Dorado County elections office at (530) 621-7480. For more statewide information about poll workers, visit www.sos.ca.gov/elections/pollworker.htm.