The Secretary of State’s office is fully committed to ensuring that all persons accessing its services are provided these services in an appropriate and timely manner.  The Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act (California Government Code sections 7290-7299.8) requires the Secretary of State's office to provide effective communication to all people utilizing public services.  If you feel the Secretary of State's office was unable to serve you because of a language barrier (limited-English proficiency) or other communication differences, the Secretary of State's office may be able to provide additional communication assistance that will assist you with the information or services you have requested.

Please use this form to report any language access complaint you have encountered at the Secretary of State's office. 

If you prefer, you can download the form and complete it offline (PDF).  Once completed, mail the form and any supporting documentation to Secretary of State, Human Resources office, 1500 11th Street Room 475, Sacramento, CA  95814, Attention: Equal Employment Opportunity Officer or fax the form to (916) 653-8024.

All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Section A - Customer Information


Section B - Complaint Details

Section C - Form Assistance