The California Historical Records Advisory Board (CHRAB) is one of more than fifty similar boards active in all U.S. states, territories and the District of Columbia, created by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), the grant-funding branch of the National Archives. The CHRAB serves as a central advisory body within California for historic records planning and coordination and reviews NHPRC grant applications. Visit the NHPRC website for additional information about the grant program.

Also, the CHRAB has created professional workshops and webinars on a variety of archives and records management topics. The CHRAB participates in California Archives Month activities to promote the work of archives and archivists statewide and is co-sponsor of the annual California Archives Month poster. The CHRAB has also been an advocate for archives and libraries, operated re-grant programs, and supported disaster preparedness and disaster recovery training for archives and libraries.

More about the Board:

The California Historical Records Advisory Board (CHRAB) recently conducted a survey of repository practices and needs as part of our strategic planning to learn how we might best assist repositories of historic records in California. The data will assist the CHRAB in establishing its goals for the next five years.

The CHRAB will make the survey data publicly available later in 2019. No data will be associated with individual respondents and contact information will be held confidential.

If you have questions, please address them to

This survey is funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.